
I'm bad at this.

scintilla \sin-TIL-uh\, noun:
A tiny or scarcely detectable amount; the slightest particle; a trace; a spark.

Interesting. I don't believe I've heard this word in years.
And to be quite honest, the first thing I thought of when I saw it was "chinchilla." NO IDEA WHY.

Ugh I should not be awake at this hour.


fifty-five degress fahrenheit

martial \MAHR-shuhl\, adjective:
suitable or used for war; warlike

Interesting. Two days in a row VIOLENT words.
I'm not that much of a violent person, am I?

...don't answer that.


Late, again.

parry \PAR-ee\, verb, noun:
1. to ward off; turn aside (as a thrust or weapon)

1. the act of warding off

Hmm. I don't know that I can think of anything pertaining to this.

Oh...wait. Maybe the ring I started wearing on that finger. Everyone kept asking if my boyfriend gave it to me but I made it during senior year in Studio Art.

I just like wearing it on that finger because it's fun to see the double-takes.


twenty-four degrees fahrenheit

temerity \tuh-MER-uh-tee\, noun:
Unreasonable or foolhardy contempt of danger; rashness.

...what do I do that isn't inspired by a foolhardy contempt of danger?

I'm reckless as hell.

Most recent example: running a red light in Bumfuck, Ontario.
Nearly killed Ciara in the process since another car was actually using the intersection correctly.


twenty-six degrees fahrenheit

acute \uh-KYOOT\, adjective:
1. acting keenly on the senses; sharp
2. quick in discernment; drawing fine distinctions
3. of an angle, less than 90 degrees
4. happening quickly, briefly, and severely

I am far from acute. I miss everything all the time.

Though I can't lie, the first thing I thought of was "a cute" and that just made me think of how many times I've been called "cute" in the last two weeks. I'm such a dork.


twelve degrees fahrenheit

sanguine \SANG-gwin\, adjective, noun;
Also used as a noun, red iron-oxide crayon used in making drawings:
1. cheerfully optimistic, hopeful, or confident
2. reddish; ruddy
3. (in old physiology) having blood as the predominating humor and consequently being ruddy-faced, cheerful, etc.
4. blood-red; red
5. Heraldry. a reddish-purple tincture.

I would hope that most of the time I'm cheerfully optimistic.

Actually, that's a bit of a lie. I'm a horrible pessimist.



lampoon \lam-POON\, noun, verb:
1. a composition that imitates or misrepresents someone's style, usually in a humorous way
2. a light, good-humored satire

1. ridicule with satire

This seems like all me and my friends ever do.

Like when Tiffany, Ciara and I were chilling in Starbucks with Neil from Kiros. We all were badmouthing his band because we could. Because we love them enough to do so.